We rejoice in the warm light and rich blessings of this season. The celebration of Passover represents the perennial rebirth and survival of our people and the world of nature. The light of these candles symbolizes a renewal of life, a reaffirmation of freedom.

Let us appreciate the life that we share with all beings on Earth. Let us always try to enjoy what is good that the turning year brings us and let us taste each new fruit and vegetable of the season as if we had never eaten it before. Let us experience the people and events in our lives as if they were new to us.

Group sings (traditional)

Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melekhha-olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotov, v'tzivanu lihadlik ner shel yom-tov

Blessed is the force who has sanctified usand commanded us to kindle the festival lights.

Group says(humanist):

Baruch ha-or sheh-b'chol eh-chod.   Baruch ha-or b'olam. Baruch ha-or ha-atid.

Blessed is the light in each of us. Blessed is the light that brings joy into the world. Blessed is the light of the future.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Adapted from Piercy's "Pesach for the Rest of Us" and Kahal B'raira Congregation's "Humanistic Blessings"