Hello Readers! This Haggadah is made by Bella and Asaf and we are currently high schoolers. Our seder is focused around kindness and animal cruelty. The reason we chose this topic is because we wanted to educate the public on the issues that were surrounding animal cruelty and conscious eating. We want to encourage people to become more aware and explore the different food choices. People should start exploring the vegan diet which is not only a solution to the animal cruelty problem, but it is also much healthier for the environment and your body. We need to liberate these animals because we know what it feels to not be respected and treated fairly. As Jews, we want to be liberators as God liberated us from Egypt. When animals are killed for food, they are not killed in the most respected and comfortable way for the animal. They are killed in the most convenient way for the humans. By the way the humans kill the animals, they are completely disrespecting the animals as the Jews were disrespected in Egypt. Additionally, changing the way you eat not only benefits the animals, but also benefits yourself. Benefits of a vegan diet include lower risk of obesity, coronary heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Thank you for reading our Haggadah and we hope that you can adjust your eating diet in order to not support these industries that are brutally murdering these animals for food and being more conscious about what you eat!

haggadah Section: Introduction