Leaving on a Desert Plane

All our bags are packed, we’re ready to go

We’re standing here outside our doors

We dare not wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breaking this early morn

Moses is waiting, he’d blowing his horn

We’re planning our escape so we won’t die


You’ll miss me, as you will see

You’ve been dealt a harsh decree

You held us like you’d never let us go.

We’re leaving from this great strain

We pray we won’t be back again

God knows, can’t wait to go…

There’s so many times you’ve let us down

Your many crimes have plagued our town

I tell you now that they were all mean things

Every pace I go, you’ll shrink from view

Every song I sing will be ‘gainst you

I won’t be back to wear your ball and chain.


Now the time has come to leave you

One more time, let me diss you

Close your eyes, we’ll be on our way

Dream about the days to come

When you’ll be left her all alone

About the time when I won’t have to say –


haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story