Leil HaSeder is the night of Emunah.  We solidify our Emunah in Hashem on the nights of the Seder.  On Sukkot we teach Emunah to the whole world.  We leave our comfortable homes and sit in the Sukkah to show our Emunah in Hashem, our belief that Hashem will take care of us.  Pesach is the time we work on our Emunah privately.

We sit at a seder, and talk about why we believe in Hashem.  One of the reasons is that we are taught to believe in Hashem.  We know that there is Hashem because our parents told this to us, their parents told this to them, and their parents taught this to them.  This is our mesorah.

Even if we are not spending Yom Tov with grandparents and great grandparents, we should remember how lucky we are that we are able to be living proof of this beautiful mesorah.  Let us hope that with Hashem's help we will be able to spend Pesach together next year in Yerushalayim with the coming of Mashiach.

haggadah Section: Conclusion