Before we sing the last song of the seder I have a dvar torah for you . The song לשנה הבאה בירושלים is talking about how hopefully within the next year we will be in Israel and Mashiach will come. I was wondering why Mashiach is brought up so many times during the year. Mashiach is brought up during Tefillah everyday, during Holidays and many more times during the year. Why do we daven so many times during the year for Mashiach to come, but he never comes. There are also a bunch of things that have to happen in order for Mashiach to come like all the Jews have to spend a shabbat together or the red cow.  So I was wondering why Mashiach hasn’t come yet, even though we haven’t seen a red cow or spent a shabbat with all the Jews, Mashaich can still come. Also with this whole coronavirus is a sign that Mashaich might be able to come. Whether those are true or false, the reason Mashaich isn’t here yet is because us Jews are not ready for Mashiach to come. What does that mean  we are not ready for Mashiach to come. 1. We are not prepared. Mashaich can come anytime in this year and we won't have anything packed. 2. We don’t know enough about Mashiach. All we can do is that we keep on davening until Mashiach comes.

This Dvar Torah was written by Gabriella Eckman (source: knowledge). 

haggadah Section: Conclusion