Koreich, the tenth step of the Passover Seder.


During Koreich, we create and eat a "Hillel sandwich," made by placing maror (bitter herbs) and charoset (a sweet mixture of apples, nuts, wine, and spices) between two pieces of matzah. Named after the Jewish sage Hillel, this step combines and contrasts the symbolic elements of the Seder. The maror represents the bitterness of slavery, while the charoset symbolizes the sweetness of freedom and the mortar used by the Israelite slaves. The matzah, or "bread of affliction," connects to the Exodus story.

By consuming the Hillel sandwich during the Koreich step, we experience a tangible reminder of the Israelites' journey from slavery to freedom. The contrasting flavors and textures unite to create a meaningful representation of Passover's themes, emphasizing the importance of remembering the past and valuing the gift of freedom.

haggadah Section: Koreich