By now we know that matzah symbolizes the dryness of Egypt's desert and maror symbolizes the bitterness of slavery. You may not know that charoset is: a thick, wet, mortar mixture of wine, nuts, and crushed raisins. What could this possibly represent? Charoset is a symbol of the jews' experience of labour and slaving. It has a similar texture to wet concrete, and is like what the slaves built all those structures in Egypt out of. Even though the texture may turn some off, charoset is also somewhat sweet to show the sweetness of liberation in Israel. Koreich is a sandwich made of matzah, maror, and charoset. This sandwhich brings together the aspects of slavery. It shows the start of slavery as bitter, but the road to redemtion dry, and finally ending in sweetness. 

haggadah Section: Koreich