Korech - The "Hillel Sandwich"

Everyone takes two bits of matzvah and places a bit of horseradish and charoset in between them. If you don't have some of the ingredients, make as much of this "sandwich" as you can.

Everyone eats the "sandwich".

Leader reads:

Before we move on to Shulchan Orech, the Passover meal, I want to take a minute to reflect on the many families across the country suffering from food insecurity during this pandemic. This crisis hits close to home for me; my sister-in-law works for a food bank which had over 1500 families show up for a recent food distribution. A recent distribution in San Antonio had cars lining up at midnight, ten hours before the start time of 10 AM. We have an obligation to help out those less fortunate; as we eat tonight, I encourage everyone to think about what actions, small or large, we can take to help repair the world. 

haggadah Section: Koreich