The bottom (thus far unbroken) matzah is now taken.  From it, with addition of other matzos, each participant makes a sandwich with charoset, maror (lettuce and horseradish), karpas (parsley), and matzah.


Preserving a bond with the observance of our ancestors, we follow a practice of Hillil , from the time when the Temple stood.  He combined the matzah and maror and ate them together so that he might observe the precept handed down to him, exactly as his father before him. As it says in Numbers 9:11, “They shall eat it with matzos and bitter herbs.


Together they shall be: the matzah of freedom, the maror of slavery. For in the time of freedom, there is knowledge of servitude. And in the time of bondage, the hope of redemption.


The Z’roa (Roasted bone) and Beitzah (Roasted egg): On the eve of Passover in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, two sacrificed were offered and their meat roasted and eaten at the Seder feast.  To commemorate these two sacrifives we place a roasted bone, and a roasted egg on the Seder plate.  The egg, a symbol of mourning is used in place of a second piece of meat as a reminder of our mourning at the destruction of the Temple.

The sandwich and egg are eaten.

haggadah Section: Koreich