כָּל הַעוֺלַם כּולוֺ

 גֶׁשֶׁ ר צַר מְ אוֺד

וְ הַעִ יקַר

לֺא לְפַחֵּד כְ לַל 

Kol Ha'olam kulo

Gesher Tsar me'od (3x)

Kol Ha'olam kulo Gesher Tsar me'od (2x)

Veha'ikar - veha'ikar

Lo lefached - lo lefached klal.

Veha'ikar - veha'ikar lo lefached klal. 

The whole entire world 

is a very narrow bridge (3x)

The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge (2x)

And the main thing to recall

is not to be afraid, not to be afraid at all

And the main thing to recall is not to be afraid at all.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Traditional