Translation of Ki Lo Na'eh

To God it is fitting, to God it is due.

Mighty in majesty, supreme indeed,

God's legions say to God:


Yours alone, O God, is the world's sovereignty.

First in majesty, Glorious indeed, God's faithful say to God:

Pure in majesty, Glorious indeed, God's faithful say to God:

Unique in majesty, Great indeed, God's disciples say to God:

Ruling in majesty, Revered indeed, God's disciples say to God:

Humble in majesty, Redeemer indeed, God's righteous say to God:

Holy in majesty, Merciful indeed, God's myriads say to God:

Almighty in majesty, Sustainer indeed, God's upright say to God:

Yours alone, O God, is the world's sovereign

haggadah Section: Songs