Who knows One?

Who knows One?

! know one! One is Hashem(3 times) in the heavens and the earth.Da da da da da da da.

Who know two?

I know two! Two are the tablets that Moshe brought. One is Hashem...

Who knows three?

I know three! Three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who knows four?

I know four! Four are the mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who knows five?

I know five! Five are the Books of the (clap) Torah and four are the

mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brougfht and one is Hashem...

Who knows six?

I know six! Six are the Books of the (clap) Mishnah and five are the

books of the (clap) Torah and four are the mommas and three are the

poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who knows Seven? -

I know seven! Seven are the days of the week (clap, clap) and six are the Books of the (clap) Mishnah and five are the Books of the (clap) Torah and four are the mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who knows eight?

I know eight! Eight are the days before a bris and seven are the days of the week (clap clap) and six are the Books of the (clap) Mishnah and five are the Books of the (clap) Torah and four are the mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who know nine? -

I know nine! Nine are the months before a baby is born and eight are the days before a bris and seven are the days of the week (clap clap) and six are the Books of the (clap) Mishnah and five are the Books of the (clap) Torah and four are the mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who knows ten?

I know ten! Ten are THEEEEEE Commandments and nine are the months before a baby is born and eight are the days before a bris and seven are the days of the week (clap clap) and six are the Books of the (clap) Mishnah and five are the Books of the (clap) Torah and four are the mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who know eleven?

I know eleven! Eleven are the stars in Joseph's dream and ten are THEEEE Commandments and nine are the months before a baby is born and eight are the days before a bris and seven are the days of the week (clap clap) and six are the Books of the (clap) Mishnah and five are the Books of the (clap) Torah and four are the mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who know twelve?

| know twelve! Twelve are the Tribes of S-ra-el and eleven are the stars in Joseph's dream and ten are THEEE Commandments and nine are the months before a baby is born and eight are the days before a bris and seven are the days of the week (clap clap) and six are the Books of the (clap) Mishnah and five are the Books of the (clap) Torah and four are the mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Who knows thirteen?

I know thirteen! Thirteen are the Attributes of G-d and twelve are the Tribes of Is-ra-el and eleven are the stars of Joseph's dream and ten are THEEE Commandments and nine are the months before a baby is born and eight are the days before a bris and seven are the days of the week (clap clap) and six are the Books of the (clap) Mishnah and five are the Books of the (clap) Torah and four are the mommas and three are the poppas and two are the tablets that Moshe brought and one is Hashem...

Passover Song (tune of "These are a Few of my Favorite Things”)

Cleaning and cooking and so many dishes

Out with the harmetz, no pasta, no knishes

Fish that's gefillted, horseradish that stings

These are a few of our Passover things.

Matzoh and karpas and chopped up haroset

Shankbones and kiddish and yiddish neuroses

Tante who kvetches and uncle who sings

These are a few of our Passover things.

Motzi and maror and trouble with Pharoahs

Famines and focusts and siaves with wheelbarrows

Matzah balls floating and eggshells that cling

These are a few of our Passover things.

When the plagues strike

When the lice bite

When we're feeling sad

We simply remember our Passover things

And then we don't feel so bad.

Take Us Out of Egypt (to the tune of “Take me out to the ball game")

Take us out of Egypt

Free us from slavery

Bake us some matzoh in a haste

Don't worry 'bout favor-- Give no thought to taste.

Oh it's rush, rush, rush, to the Red Sea

If we don't cross it's a shame.

For it's ten plagues, Down and you're out

At the ol' Pesach game.

There's No Seder Like our Seder (tune of "There's no Business like Show business")

There's no seder like our seder, There's no seder I know.

Everything about it is hałachic

Nothing that the Torah won't allow.

Listen how we read the whole Haggadah

It's all in Hebrew Cause we know how.

There's no Seder like our seder, We tell a tale that is swell

They baked the matzoh While on their feet

Now isn't that a story That just can't be beat?

Let's go on with the show!

Moses (to the tune of “The Flintstones”)

Moses, he’s our Moses.

He's the man that took us for a tour

Out of, Pharaoh's Egypt, went the children that he soon would lure

Come sit and eat matzah all week long.

Listen to our prayers and to our songs...

of Moses, he's our hero.

He's a really really dear guy, a forty year guy, the one that set us free.

The Ten Plagues (to the tune of the “Adam’s Family” theme)

(Chorus with finger snaps)

They’re creepy and they're yucky

They're altogether ucky

They're so completely mucky

We're talking ‘bout the Plagues.

The Nile turned to blood

Which was far worse than mud

Then frogs and lice and crud

The start of the Ten Plagues,

(Chorus with finger snaps)

Next beasts, and blight, and boils

On commoners and royals

Then hail and locusts spoiled The country.

It was wrecked.

Then Egypt drowned in darkness

The country was a big mess

All chaos, as you can guess

Pharaoh could not protect.

The last plague was the worst

The first-born sons were cursed

Their parent’s hearts were burst

And Pharaoh let us go.

(Chorus with finger snaps) Each year we tell the story

Although this part is gory

It still speaks of God’s glory

Remember the Ten Plagues.

Our cups are filled with wine

The joy with which we dine

Our joy is far less fine

When we remember the Ten Plagues

Leaving on a Desert Plane (to the tune of “Leaving on a Jet Plane”) by Randi and Murray Spiegel, Passover 2ooo

All our bags are packed, we’re ready to go

We're standing here outside our doors

We dare not wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin' this early morn' Moses is waiting, he's blowing his horn

We're planning our escape so we won't die

Youli missus, as you will see

You've been dealt a harsh decree

You held us like you'd never let us go

We're leaving from this great strain

We pray we won't be back again

God knows, can’t wait to go.

There's so many times you’ve let us down

Your many crimes have plagued our town

I tell you now they were all mean things

Every pace we go, you’ll shrink from view

Every song we sing will be against you

We won’t be back to wear your ball and chain

You'll missus, as you will see

You've been dealt a harsh decree

You held us like you'd never let us go

We're leaving through a wet plain

We hope we won’t be back again

God knows, can’t wait to go.

Now the time has come to leave you

One more time, let us diss you

Close your eyes, we'll be on our way

Dream about the days to come

When you'll be left here all alone

About the time when we won’t have to say

You'll miss us, as you will see

You've been dealt a harsh decree

You held us like you'd never let us go

We're leaving all our bread grain

We know we won’t be back again

God knows, can’t wait to go.

We Can't Wait (tune of "Yellow Submarine")

In the religion where we were born

Comes a holiday where we are torn.

We remember how hard Jews worked For the Pharaoh who was a jerk.

We use symbols to tell the tale

Of how we came back from beyond the Pale.

It was Moses who led the way

Who gave the reason for this joyous day.

Every spring, this holiday comes

We sit with family, we sit with chums.

But we struggle to read the book,

Till we get to eat what has been cooked.

We can't wait till we eat the seder meal, eat the seder meal, eat the seder meal.

We can't wait till we eat the seder meal, eat the seder meal, eat the seder meal.

haggadah Section: Songs