The First Dipping

Take a small amount of the karpas (parsley) from your plate and together we will recite the blessing while dipping it in the salt water.

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam,            Blessed are you, Adonai, Ruler of the Universe
bo-rei pree ha-ada-ma                                                who creates the fruit of the earth.

(Eat the karpas after dipping.)

Leader: Why do we dip the karpas in salt water?

Reader 1: We dip because our telling begins with remembering that tears often clear the path to growth.

Reader 2: The salt water symbolizes the tears we cried when we were slaves and the tears of anger for all those who are still enslaved.

Leader: Why must we eat the dipped parsley?

Reader 3: It is hard to remember the bitterness of our slavery in Egypt. We eat, to taste the tears of slavery. We eat, to remember. We eat, to feel the pain of those enslaved today.

haggadah Section: Karpas