
We dip a spring vegetable into salt water. This captures the feelings of freedom and hopeful rebirth of liberation mixed with the tears and pain of our past and current oppressions. As queer Jews, we are intimately aware of how our communities are able to hold both joy and pain. As you dip the green vegetable into the salt water, think of all the ways your community holds you up, and the promise of future liberation you see in the ways you love and affirm each other. Be sure to ground that hope in the very real fight your ancestors, you, and your children have and will engage in. 

Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech ha'olam borei pri ha'adamah. 

Blessed is the One, who sustains all life, and brings forth fruits from the earth. 

haggadah Section: Karpas
Source: Jeffrey Cheung