
On the night of the upcoming Passover, we will gather in our home and connect with our ancestors in the story of the Exodus. During the seclusion of the Corona, it is especially recommended to take advantage of the festive evening and talk about concepts such as slavery, liberty, hope and salvation, which are now taking on new meanings. As editors and editors, it is our responsibility to tell the story, pass it on from generation to generation and assert it in contemporary meanings. Read, sing, eat, ask questions and laugh together. And we will drink far more than four glasses. Simply because we deserve it. And because we don't drive anywhere. In the current guide you will find updated versions for us today and additions to the Haggadah for your use and inspiration for your Haggadah. So let's raise cups for life and health! Hold each other's shoulders in the air in the distance, move from side to side and sing with a loud voice: Hine ma tov UMANAIM Shevet achim gam yachad Behold how good and how pleasing for brothers (people) to sit together in unity.

haggadah Section: Introduction