Kadesh Urchatz Song


Kadesh – Recite the Kiddush
(Sanctification of the festival). 

Urchatz – Wash hands without a blessing. 

Karpas – Eat parsley or potato dipped in salt water. 

Yachatz – Break the middle Matza, and hide one part to be eaten at the end of the meal as the Afikoman. 

Magid – Tell the story of Israel’s deliverance from Egyptian bondage. 

Rachtza – Wash hands with a blessing. 

Motzi Matza – Recite the blessing before the meal, and the special blessing over the Matza. 

Maror – Eat a bitter herb. 

Korech – Combine Matza, Maror and Haroset and eat them together. 

Shulchan Orech – Partake of the festival meal. 

Tzafun – Conclude the meal by eating the Afikoman. 

Barech – Say grace after the meal. 

Hallel – Recite the remainder of the Hallel. 

Nirtza – End with a prayer for the acceptance of the service. 

haggadah Section: Introduction