In the seder, we are up to the first step, called kadesh. It is where we drink the first cup of wine out of the four cups. It’s like on Shabbat because we drink grape juice before we wash our hands (but here we do not say a bracha) and then we say the bracha on the matzah.

What is kadesh? Kadesh is like a toast of freedom, and the introduction to the seder. The significance of kadesh is to honor the night and the holiday. Chazal say that the four cups of wine (or grape juice) that we drink the night of the seder represent the four expressions of redemption (Arbah L’shonot Shel Geulah). This is a very holy step in the seder that symbolizes our holiness and consecration. After we finish this step, we go on to perform the next mitzvot of the seder that were commanded to us in the Torah. 


haggadah Section: Kadesh