
The first step of the Seder is called Kadesh . It involves reciting the Kiddush over a cup of wine.

There is a profound principle that states: In spiritual reality, you get what you want. In physical reality, you get what God thinks is good for you.

Therefore, the first step in spiritual growth is to want to live a holy life. This is expressed through Kadesh , through committing yourself to holiness.

Holiness has two aspects: moving away from what is not holy and moving toward what is holy. This dual dynamic of from and toward is reflected in the four expressions of redemption that God uses in the Torah when He tells Moshe that He will redeem the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. The expressions, "I will take you out" and "I will rescue you" refer to moving away from bondage. The expressions, "I will redeem you" and "I will take you to Myself," refer to moving toward God.

Similarly, holiness requires moving away from everything that limits you. Maimonides maintains that holiness requires not just abstaining from the negative, but doing something positive. Not just the from , but also the toward . Holiness according to Maimonides requires consciousness of God and dedication to God. His famous dictum is: "Sanctify yourself with that which is permitted to you."

Then Maimonides says something much deeper. He warns, "Don't drown in materialism." Why does he use the word, "drown"? The Hebrew word for the material world is gashmiut. Gashmiut is derived from the word geshem, which means "rain." God vivifies the world through rainfall. If you dedicate your awareness to the world and not to its Source, you drown. You're inundated by all of God's giving to the point that you lose track of Him completely. So holiness means being aware of God.

The first step of the Seder is Kadesh because in order to start moving toward the light you have to commit yourself to a life of holiness. This requires separating yourself from the negative and moving toward God-consciousness.


Behold this cup of wine. Let is be a symbol of our joy tonight as we celebrate the festival of Passover.

On this night long years ago our forebearers hearkened to the call of freedom. Tonight that call rings out again sounding its glorious challenge, commanding us champion the cause of all oppressed and downtrodden, summoning all the peoples throughout the world to arise and be free.

Let us remember that true freedom requires peace - peace of mind and lack of fear for one's physical safety. Let us remember that true peace requires freedom. One cannot be at peace withing themselves while our neighbors struggles for freedom. Out ancestors emerged from Egypt to enter a land flowing with milk and honey and to live in peace. We do not seek freedom to make war.

Let us raise our cups in gratitude to G-D that this call will still be heard. Let us pray that the time be not distant when all the world will liberated from cruelty, tyranny, oppression, and war.

Source of Blessings are you Adonai, Source of Powers, Sovereign of the Universe, who created the fruit of the Vine.



haggadah Section: Kadesh