
Blessed are You, Our God, Soul/Ruler of the world, Creator of the fruit of the vine.

Blessed are You, Our God, Soul/Ruler of the world, You have chosen us from all peoples, exalting us and sanctifying us with your mitzvot. In Your love, Our God, You have given us (Sabbaths of rest), feasts of gladness and seasons of joy; this (Shabbat day and this) festival of matzot, season of our freedom (in love), a holy commemoration, a reminder of the Exodus from Egypt. God, You have chosen us from all peoples, consecrating us to your service, given us (the Sabbath, a sign of your love and favor and )the Festivals, a time of gladness and joy

Blessed are You, who sanctifies (Shabbat), our people Israel, and the Festivals. 

haggadah Section: Kadesh