Traditionally, we Jews use wine to mark a time of celebration and enter into a space of joy. We lambs and lions drink traditional Ethiopian Honey Wine to honor two queens: The Queen of Sheba (and all our brothers and sisters from the sacred land of Ethiopia,) and The Queen Bee, to celebrate the sweet, abundant and rich gifts she brings. She is a matriarchal creature who communicates through dance to her deeply intertwined community.

We bless this moment by saying:

Thank you Infinite, for enabling us to acknowledge the blessing of transformation, intensification and concentration into sweetness. (Rachel Kann)

Shechiyanu (You, the Infinite gave us life!)

We bless this moment by saying:

Thank you Infinite, for giving us life, allowing us to grow, and for bringing us to this special moment. We won’t take it for granted.

Reclining: Do what you want, get as comfortable as you want to be. Lean to the left, lay on the ground, whatever. We recline because we are free. In ancient times, only those who were free had the luxury of reclining while eating.

haggadah Section: Kadesh
Source: Rachel Kann & David Guccione