Why do we spend an evening or two every year studying the story of the Passover?  It is no academic exercise.  The rabbis state, “The study of Torah is great because it leads to action.”  (Bavli Sanhedrin 50b).  We explore our past to guide us to action in the future.  It is the Story of the Exodus that inspired Abraham Joshua Heschel to join Martin Luther King Jr. to march in Selma where he “felt his legs were praying.”   The Matzah serves not only as a reminder of the past, but as a Lechem Pe;ilut, a “Bread of Action” that reminds us to  work towards redemption in our own day. 


Linda was trained as a JWW speaker and has now spoken to dozens of community groups about JWW and the Darfur genocide.  Peter organized visits with elected officials to urge action to end the genocide.  Zoe sold her painted river rocks to raise money to help the women survivors.  These are all Jewish World Watch activists who, along with thousands of other in our community, are working collectively to end genocide in Darfur and worldwide.


Describe a time you have volunteered your time for an important cause.

What will you do to help Jewish World Watch end genocide?  Make sure to use the Afikomen to take action NOW and go to www.jewishworldwatch.org for more ways to help. 

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: www.jewishworldwatch.org