During the Seder we break the middle matzah to recall the brokenness of this world, hiding away a piece called the Afikomen. Jewish law dictates that the Seder cannot be completed until the Afikomen is found and brought to the table. (Mishnah Pesachim 10:8)   Our lives,  our world cannot be made whole until we act to repair the breach and bring wholeness to the global table. 


”Godliness is found in our response to evil” – Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis


At every seder table, every person can make a difference.

Place a call to President Obama by dialing 1-800-GENOCIDE. This anti-genocide hotline will give you current message points on ending the genocide in Darfur and connect you to the White House.


Dear  Secretary General,

 Passover is a time when the Jewish People remember our history of affliction.  It is also an opportunity to focus on changing the world to achieve freedom for all those who suffer.  In Darfur and in Eastern Congo, suffering of innocent civilians is immeasurable – and has continued far too long. I urge you to work closely with members of the UN Security Council to achieve a just and lasting peace in both these crises – the people of Darfur and Congo need you.


Name: (please print name)





Right hand column:  (address)

The Honorable Ban Ki-Moon
Secretary-General of the United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, New York 10017

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: www.jewishworldwatch.org