Joseph, Dream Interpreter and Entrepreneur

Indeed, this prophecy came true. Joseph (Yoseph), the son of Jacob and Rachel, came to live in Egypt after being sold by his jealous brothers to a caravan of merchants. Back then, Egypt was ruled by a man called the Pharaoh, who was very powerful. Because of Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams, and because he had a degree in management, Joseph rose to power as an advisor to Pharaoh. He advised the Pharaoh to build storehouses to store the grain, which the Pharaoh thought was a tremendous idea, because up until that point, he had been storing the grain in the bathroom, and it was disgusting. Pharaoh was also very keen on Joseph’s grain storage plan because when years of famine struck, there was still food to eat in Egypt.

The Pharaoh was so grateful to Joseph, that when Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt in search of food, he invited them to settle in an area called Goshen. Jacob’s household, known as the Israelites, multiplied and prospered in various fields, although generally not team sports.

Deep thoughts: Before settling in Egypt, the Israelites wandered from place to place, but they stopped wandering when they got to Egypt. Why did they stay there? What makes people feel at home in a new place? Have you ever been a stranger in a new place, or with new people? How did it feel? Did some new people make you feel welcome? Was anyone angry or mean?

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story