To the Tune of the Brady Bunch Theme song

Here's the story 

of our great-grand Bubby and Zeide 

Who were enslaved for about 210 years. 

All of them were stuck in Egypt, with their Jewish brothers, 

it was awfully hard work and bitter tears.

Here’s their story, 

Lets call it a “Seder” 

Which we tell about how they finally broke free!

God sent Moshe to deal with Pharaoh,

and also to split the red sea.

Till that one day when God himself came to our rescue 

And they knew it was much more than a hunch, 

That this group of slaves would somehow form a nation. 

That's the way we all became the Jewish Bunch. 

The Jewish Bunch,

That's the way we all became the Jewish Bunch. 

The Jewish Bunch

haggadah Section: Songs