• Matzah - can’t rise to full potential

  • Morar - bitterness of everyday oppression. Misgendering, invisibility, microaggressions

  • Haroset - community insularity. Supportive community, building bonds, stability but also rigidity, a sacrifice of fluidity

  • Shank bone - sacrifices in the past. Sacrifices of different facets of identity in different spaces (even if things have changed since having to hide/sacrifice queerness in Jewish settings overall)

  • Egg - new life once you claim your identity

  • Salt water - tears

  • Karpas - parsley

  • Orange -this is traditionally associated with Queer Judaism anyway--can we find a particularly good source to quote for the background story?

  • Dipping twice - mixed community of queer/allies, different

  • Reclining - celebrating who you are finally

  • How do you think about owning this symbols in a personal way?

haggadah Section: Introduction