Dayenu is a text about counting our blessings. We give thanks for everything that we have, and acknowledge the abundance in our lives. We also use this text as a catalyst for thinking about what really would be enough for us. Here is another interpretation of the idea of 'enough' - let's read it together, and then take a few minutes to consider what each of us can do to work towards a world in which we can all finally say Dayenu.

Lo Dayenu
(It is not enough - it does not suffice)

God has brought us out of slavery in Egypt,
And not freed the other slaves of the world,
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

God has brought us to the prosperity of this table,
and not fed all the people of even our own city,
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

(Men only)
God has made us as free men
While many women still suffer oppression,
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

God has brought us closer to racial and religious equality here,
but has not brought it to all the people of the world,
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

God has given us lives of peace, far from war,
While people die for tyrants power in many lands,
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

God has given us powerful tools to build plenty for all,
and they are turned to weapons of war,
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

God has lifted the madman's yoke of genocide from us,
and still allows us to discriminate Jew from Jew,
by the colour of skin,
and Semite from Semite by religion and land in Israel, the Middle East and the world
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

God has asked us, through the prophet Hillel,
'If I am only for myself, what am I?'
and still we do not rise up for all people's struggles
as one,
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

God has asked us, 'If not now, when?'
and still we delay action for justice, saying 'soon',
and though we are thankful, it does not suffice us.
Lo Dayenu

God has told us that each generation must
make freedom for all, with our own hands,
and when we join together, and make the world good,
good enough for Elijah to come,
then we will be thankful, and then it will suffice us. Dayenu!

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Ken Wyman 14 Nissan 5742 10 April 1982