We are using the program zoom to ensure that everyone is able to participate in the sedar, but safely keep their distance during this crazy time.  Let's have everyone introduce themselves. Each person at your table should introduce themselves, however they feel comfortable. Ideas of questions to answer are below: 

1. What is your name? 

2. Who are you at the table with? 

3. What is your comfort with the sedar, and expectation of our sedar (time, observance, meaning, etc.)? 

4. Do you have any goals for the week of Passover, big or small? 

*We will be looking for the youngest person who feels comfortable singing the 4 questions*

Watch this video, going through the 15 steps of the sedar, when everyone is done introducing themselves.  Those who know the song may sing along. https://youtu.be/-llf8_5GRXQ 

haggadah Section: Introduction