Tonight we gather to fulfill a new mitzvah by making sacred the celebration of a Jewish Queer Pride Shabbat Seder. We are not only celebrating pride in being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or allies.Rather we are celebrating our pride in specifically Jewish Queers, and specifically Queer Jews and allies.  That includes looking at our Jewish heritage through a Queer lens, and at our Queer heritage through a Jewish lens.  It means remembering the Queers in the death camps, and the Jews at the Stonewall Inn. And it means remembering Magnus Hirschfeld and Harvey Milk. It means calling forth the words of Adrienne Rich and Rebecca Alpert. Tonight we honor our heritage by sharing stories from our predecessors, sharing stories of our lives, and sharing the stories we have yet to live.

This evening we are focusing on our history and our future story.  Please take a moment for each of you to go around our table, introduce yourself, and then in one sentence, tell us why you came this evening.

haggadah Section: Introduction