Why is this year different from all other years? This year marks an unique circumstance in that the world is besieged by a global pandemic the likes of which we've never seen in our lifetime. We are in holy company in that the way the seder was created was in response to a crisis--it was in response to the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE by Roman legions. The celebration of Passover prior to the destruction of the Temple was quite different than the seder we know today. A Paschal offering was made at the Temple, which could no longer take place with the loss of the Temple. One had to go in person to Jerusalem to make this offering. The Rabbis at the time created the basics of the seder we know today as a way to celebrate Pesach from wherever you are without the offering. Tonight we also have extreme circumstances guiding our seder--a pandemic affecting the entire world. One may wonder how this pandemic will affect times ahead. What changes may occur because of it?

Also tonight, we remember the covenant between the G-d and the Jewish people. We remember the many years that seders similar to ours have been celebrated and passed down from generation to generation. Despite the virus spreading and difficult times, we must continue this tradition and pause to reflect on our good fortune to be together, albeit in a new way, and in good health to mark this holiday and give thanks as best we can.

Passover 2020

haggadah Section: Introduction