The Hebrew word seder means order. The Pesah Aggada follows a specific order , as follows:

(the bolded is sung together two times)

1. Kadesh (the sanctification over wine)

2. Urhaats (washing the hands for tapas)

3. Karpas (eating vegetables, and other tapas and dip)

4. Yahaats (Dividing the middle massa on the ka'ara)

5. Magid (Telling the story of the Exodus)

6. Rahtza (washing our hands for bread)

7. Motzi ( Breaking bread)

8. Massa (saying the special blessing on eating massa)

9. Marror (eating the bitter herb dipped in haroset)

10. Korekh (wrapping the marror in massa)

11. ​Shulhan 'Orekh (eating the festive meal)

12. Tzafun (eating the Afikoman)

13. Barekh (saying Grace after meals)

14.  Allel Nirtsa (reciting psalms of praise of God and Concluding the Aggada)

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Sephardic