Welcome to our Passover Seder.

Today we come together to celebrate the festival of liberation of the Jewish people. As Jews, we are linked throughout history with those who share a passion for justice and human liberty.

We come together at this moment because we are a people with deep historic roots and memories. We come together at this moment because many centuries ago our ancestors left slavery and began their march toward freedom. We come together at this moment because the struggles for freedom never stop; there are those, Jews and non Jews alike, who are still struggling today and provide us with inspiration now. We come together at this moment because spring is emerging all around us, the earth is reborn, and it is a time to celebrate with family and friends.

As we retell this ancient story, we think about those people around the world who are living this story today, struggling to overthrow oppression and establish more democratic societies. Even as we celebrate our freedom, we commit ourselves to join the fight against injustice wherever it exists in whatever ways we can. For as long as one person is oppressed, none of us are free.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Adapted from Workmen's Circle, Arbeter Ring, Boston 2012