
Welcome to Central Florida Hillel's Passover Seder. The Jewish life team created this Haggadah to make sure that the seder is relevant to you, your college career, and your Jewish journey.

Passover is the story of the Israelites journey out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. It is the exodus of the Jewish people. Currently, as college students, you are experiencing your own journey into the "Promised Land," a stable point in your life. You create your own path by going to school, working, and participating in Jewish life, but you do not yet have stability. As you read through this Haggadah, think about what your Promised Land looks like.

Questions to Ponder

  • What does your Promised Land look like?
  • What obstacles have you had to overcome during college?
  • How has Judaism influenced your college journey?
  • How does the Passover story parallel your life journey?
  • Where are you in your life? Are you still in Egypt? The desert? The Promised Land?

Chag Sameach!

-The Hillel Jewish Life Team

haggadah Section: Introduction