Intro Darth Seder

A long time ago, is a Galaxy far, far away, on a small planet known as Israel there was wonderful and caring group of people known as Israelites guided by an all powerful God who used the Light Side of the FORCE...These groups included the tribes of 12 brothers which and became known as 12 civilizations as time went on. They included Humans, Wookiee, Gungan, Ewoks, Arachnor, Amanin, Hutt, Bimm, Caamasi, Drovian, Elomin, Gamorrean. As the planet became desolate the group escaped to the planet of Egypt in search of food and became ruled by leaders of the Dark Side of the Force. The Brothers and the Tribes forgot about their God and only became dominated by the Dark Side Rulers knows as the Darth Pharaohs. This was an until a Leader Known as Moses Skywalker arose and Lead the Israelites by the Hand of God out of the planet of Egypt back to their home Planet of Israel. This is their story...

haggadah Section: Introduction