Welcome each of you to our Seder. We all play a role in this celebration whether this is our first or 100th Seder. We welcome with pleasure people of all faiths (or of no specific faith) and cultures to share in this Passover meal and the ritual re-telling of "the Exodus" of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt more than 3,300 years ago. This Passover Haggadah which you hold in your hands is a compilation of  many open source contributions. Haggadah means telling in Hebrew. Each year we tell the story as we are about to do tonight. We invite everyone to read a passage as we go around the table(s) but you are also free to pass.  Whether you see it as a true or mythic story, it is a metaphor for all people who strive to be free in our lifetime or in history. 

April 2017

haggadah Section: Introduction