
Welcome to our Passover Seder, time for family and friends to come together to connect our history with our present , align our beliefs with our actions. Let us celebrate our freedom and strengthen ourselves to join the fight against injustice wherever it exists today. "For as long as one person is oppressed, none of us are free."

The first Pesach was celebrated 3,000 years ago when the People of Israel liberated themselves from the oppression of the Egyptian slave masters and began their march toward freedom. We honor all people who have struggled or are struggling for their freedom as we share the aspirations of our liberated ancestors.

This week, Jews all over the country and the world are observing Pesach at their own Seders. The word “Seder” means “order,” and “Haggadah” means the telling. The orthodox Haggadah contains very specific things to do and say. Our Haggadah has retained the basic order but has adapted much of the content. This follows in a long tradition. For it is said: “Whoever enlarges upon the telling of the exodus from Egypt, those persons are praiseworthy.”

haggadah Section: Introduction