Rabban Gamliel would say: Whoever does not state these three things on Passover does not fulfill his obligation: Pesach, Matzah, and Maror.

(leader points to the roasted bone)
Leader: Pesach al shum ma? The Passover lamb-why did we used to eat it?
All: to remind ourselves that God passed over our ancestors' house in Egypt.
Reader 1: I am Pesach when I sacrifice my own needs for the needs of others.

(leader holds up the matzah)
Leader: Matza al shum ma? This Matza, why do we eat it?
All: To remind ourselves that even before the dough of ancestors in Egypt had time to rise and become leavened, God revealed himself and redeemed them.
Reader 2: I am matzah when I am broken. I experience both affliction and freedom.

(leader points to the maror)
Leader: Maror al shum ma? This maror! Why do we eat it?
All: To remind ourselves that the Egyptians embittered our ancestors' lives. 
Reader 3: I am maror when I resent my place and dwell on how I am wronged. I am maror when I cry and when I cause others to cry.

Other Symbols:
Roasted Egg-reminds us of the sacrifice to the priests at the Temple. The egg is a symbol of life and death.
Charoset- A sweet mixture that reminds us of the mortar and brick used by the Hebrew slaves to build the pyramids of Egypt.
Karpas-A vegetable other than bitter herbs, reminds us that there is hope and new beginnings.

Elijah's cup: A cup filled with wine that is left untouched. Elijah, the prophet, is a guest in every Jewish household on this night. At the end of the seder, we will open the door to Elijah in the hope that he will announce the coming of the Messiah. In modern times, Jews do not believe in the Messiah as any one person but rather that we can bring about the Messianic age by doing loving deeds of kindness and compassion. We open the door to open our hearts to doing such loving deeds.

Miriam's cup: A cup filled with water that is left untouched. Mirian, the prophetess, lead our women in song as the Sea of Reeds parted. Miriam's Well is said to have been a magical source of water that followed the Israelites for 40 years. These waters were said to be healing and sustaining. When Miriam died, the Well dried up.

Thus, Miriam's Cup is a symbol of all that sustained us through our own journey both tonight and in life, while Elijah's cup is a symbol of a future Messianic time.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu