Natalie Margolin is a playwright, actress, improvisor and graduate of Kenyon College. Her plays include "The Power of Punctuation," "Tutus," "All Nighter," and “The Party Hop” a new play specifically for zoom.

The Shank Bone - it symbolizes sacrifice, and you can't eat it till the meal! 

Egg - the egg, a symbol of birth, of new beginnings, of winter transforming into spring. 

Karpas (leafy greens) - The leafy greens on the plate represents the initial success of the Israelites in Egypt, before they were enslaved.  If your leafy green is parsley, I think you made the right choice. To me, parsley is a successful green. Parsley is pretty, it's green, it often is sold in a large plentiful bunch! Impressive! If you are using a potato or celery, I don't find that as impressive, but I support your choice! Use what you have!

haggadah Section: Karpas
Source: Natalie Margolin