In this Hurried Bold Act of Ours

(sung to the tune of In the Merry Old Land of Oz)

(by Gary Teblum)

Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - And a couple of tra - la - las
That's how we leave and get away, in this hurried bold act of ours.

Break, break, break, Crunch, crunch, crunch – No leaven, just using flours
That's how the matzah makes our day, in this hurried bold act of ours.

Lamb’s blood here, Lamb’s blood there, so the angel of death will pass.
That's how we keep our young alive, in this hurried bold act of ours.

Red sea here, Red sea there, and a pathway shows his powers
That's how we know that G-d does care, in this hurried bold act of ours.

Timbrels here, trimbrels there, And Miriam sings for hours.
She knows what’s good and what is fair, in this hurried bold act of ours.

Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - And a couple of tra - la - las
That's how we leave and get away, in this hurried bold act of ours.

Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - And a couple of tra - la - las
That's how we leave and get away,
In this hurried bold act of ours.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu