We are slaves to habits, to fashion, to outmoded ways of thinking. We are slaves to instant gratification with the world right at our fingertips, on-demand shopping, information, and communications.  However, it is increasingly becoming apparent that we live by comparing ourselves to others and setting expectations that can never be met.

And these forms of enslavement- increase our anxieties, depressive moods,  and ultimately leave us feeling empty.

“The truth of course is that if people really were as happy as they look on the Internet, they wouldn’t spend so much damn time on the Internet, because no one who’s having a really good day spends half of it taking pictures of themselves. Anyone can nurture a myth about their life if they have enough manure, so if the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, that’s probably because it’s full of shit.”

Fredric Bachman Anxious People

haggadah Section: -- Four Children