Original Song Title:

"Hotel California"

Original Performer:

The Eagles

Parody Song Title:

"Families Passover"

Parody Written by:


5 hours on the highway, I'm gonna be late
I need the bread of affliction, that our fore fathers ate
Gett'n ready for the Sedar, ya I think its time
My fathers stumbling all over, from that Manishevitz wine
Then I went in the cubbard; cut my food into bits
And my mother almost flipped out, cause I was eating Chometz
Then she lit up a candle, and she started to say
Mah Nishtana, Halilah Ha zay

Welcome to my families Passover
Such a crazy place, many things to taste
Plenty of room at my families Passover
Happens once a year, I think Elijah's here

Were up to the main course, as I finish my Gefilted Fish
Grandma's guzzling water, cause I slipped her some horse radish
My mother's all happy, cause of the deal on Matzo
She said at the store, if you buy one you get one free
So I called for a toast; As I picked up my wine
But my drink was all gone, I think Elijah's sending a sign
Then I heard his voice coming from far away
He said I hate Manishevitz, throw me some Don Perrier

Welcome to my families Passover
Such a crazy place, many things to taste
Having fun at my families Passover
What a nice surprise, horseradish stings my eyes

I think I ate to much, as I put down my spoon
And I began to feel sad cause passover was over soon
And the dinner was over, and it was time to begin
Who would be the one to find the Aphecomen
I don't care if there are children, cause I need the money
So I took my little cousin, and hid her up in a tree
Thank god I found the Matzo, it was under the grill
I showed it to my father, and he gave me a 1 dollar bill

haggadah Section: Karpas