As the generations after the Holocaust, we must:

Remember our sisters and brothers who were brutally tortured, murdered and burned by the Nazis and their collaborators among the people of Europe.  We vow never to forget. But we must forgive.

We remember the criminal apathy of the allied Western Nations who sabotaged attempts to rescue Jews who closed their eyes and doors to our people.  We vow never to forget.  But we must forgive.

We will not forget the crime of the nation which closed the door of Israel to Jews trying to escape the ovens.  We vow never to forget.  But we must forgive.

We will not forget the crime of our country which refused to bomb the crematoria of Auschwitz or the railroad tracks leading to the death camps because they said it would detract from the war effort.  But we must forgive. 

haggadah Section: Rachtzah