.הִנֵּה מַה טוֹב וּמַה נָּעִים שֶׁבֶת אָחִים גַּם יַחַד

Hinei Mah Tov Umah Nayim, Shevat Ahyim Gam Yahad!

Hinei Mah Tov Umah Nayim, Shevat Ahyim Gam Yahad!

Hinei Mah Tov, Shevet Ahyim Gam Yahad!

Hinei Mah Tov, Shevat Ahyim Gam Yahad!

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity!

Good and pleasant, brothers and sisters in peace together!

haggadah Section: Introduction