Hineh Mah Tov

As we feel how wonderful and important it is for us to come together,
let us sing the words of HINNEH MAH TOV.

HINNEH, MAH TOV - BEHOLD, HOW GOOD! (Adaptation* of T'hillim / Psalms 133.1)

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
when people dwell together in unity!

Hinneh, mah tov u-mah naim
shevet achim gam yahad!

FINAL SONG: There's none like ours:

There's no seder like our seder, There's no seder I know.

Everything about it was halachic Nothing that the Torah won't allow.

Listen how we read the whole Haggadah It's not in Hebrew We don't know how.

There's no Seder like our seder, We told a tale that is swell:

Moses took the people out into the heat They baked the matzah While standing on their feet

Now isn't that a story That just can't be beat?

We're done till our next year, Yes, we are done until next year!

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Sarah Wisnia