Hillel and His Sandwich
Hillel was a great sage who is now pretty much known for two things and one saying. The things are the organizations on college campuses that took his name and the sandwich of matza, horseradish and charoset we eat to remember his custom of wrapping the Passover lamb and bitter herbs inside the matza.  The saying, a favorite beyond the walls of the Jewish community, is “If I am not for myself who will be for me. If only for myself what am I and if not now when”  In a way the Hillel sandwich, in combining the Passover messages of remembering the bitter way we were treated and being inspired to liberate a still enslaved world, mirrors his teaching that fighting for myself and caring for others can go together. And what better way to do it "now" then to put it on a sandwich to go. 

haggadah Section: Koreich