(“Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda”)

Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda, Here we are with the Haggadah.

All the family and their spouses, Have come to eat matzoh at our houses.

It is Pesach and we join hands, Now that Jews are in the Promised Land,

God told Moses, to leave Egypt,

And now we are here together to rejoice it. The Haggadah has been read,

Oh Mudda, Fadda, Now can we be fed?

Oh Mudda, Fadda. The Seder is almost complete.

And now I want more wine and food…. I WANT TO EAT!!

Bring gefilte fish and the matzoh, And please hurry – please don’t potchka.

We are hungry – it is later,

We are happy we are together for the Seder.  

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Foundation For Family Education, Inc.