Hardened Heart (Sung to the tune of “A Hard Day’s Night”) (by Gary Teblum)

He had a hardened heart
And he would not let us go
He had a hardened heart
And here’s what you should know

Each time a plague did them in
Moshe thought he would win
But Pharoah’s mind stood tight

You they know slaved all day
Building the pyramids was their thing
And they waited for Moshe to say
I’ve heard from Pharoah as the king

Though every day they would moan
Soon they could put down that stone
And they would feel okay

To our home,
that’s where we’re headed tonight
A new home,
get there and we’ll be alright, Yeh

He had a hardened heart
And he would not let us go
He had a hardened heart
And here’s what you should know

Each time a plague did them in
Moshe thought he would win
But Pharoah’s mind stood tight

Though every day they would moan
Soon they could put down that stone
And they would feel okay

To our home,
that’s where we’re headed tonight
A new home,
get there and we’ll be alright, Yeh

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story