As the water washes over our hands, we call to mind the promise we made when drinking our first cup of wine. Let us now focus on our individual water usage, and how we can make our water consumption more sustainable. 3 billion people lacked basic handwashing facilities with soap and water at home in 2017. Nearly three quarters of the population of the Least Developed Countries did not have basic handwashing facilities. Every year, 297 000 children under 5 years die due to diarrhoea linked to poor sanitation and contaminated water. Meanwhile, we continue to live with diseases that should have been long ago consigned to the history books: diseases like cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A and neglected tropical diseases including trachoma, intestinal worms, and schistosomiasis. Let us call to mind the importance of water to all life and be more aware of the amount of water we use daily. 

haggadah Section: Urchatz