DIRECTIONS: We read responsively, following each verse all respond, "For His kindness is everlasting."

Give thanks to the L-rd for He is gracious; for His kindness is everlasting.

Give thanks to the G‑d of gods; for His kindness is everlasting.

Give thanks to the L-rd of lords; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who alone does great wonders; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who made the heavens with understanding; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who stretched out the earth above the waters; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who made the great lights; for His kindness is everlasting.

The sun, to rule by day; for His kindness is everlasting.

The moon and stars to rule by night; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who struck Egypt through their first-born; for His love is everlasting.

And brought Israel out of their midst; for His kindness is everlasting.

With a strong hand and with an outstretched arm; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who split the Sea of Reeds into sections; for His kindness is everlasting.

And led Israel through it; for His kindness is everlasting.

And cast Pharaoh and his army into the Sea of Reeds; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who led His people through the desert; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who struck great kings; for His kindness is everlasting.

And slew mighty kings; for His kindness is everlasting.

Sichon, king of the Amorites; for His kindness is everlasting.

And Og, king of Bashan; for His kindness is everlasting.

And gave their land as a heritage; for His kindness is everlasting.

A heritage to Israel, His servant; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who remembered us in our lowliness; for His kindness is everlasting.

And delivered us from our oppressors; for His kindness is everlasting.

Who gives food to all flesh; for His kindness is everlasting.

Thank the G‑d of heaven; for His kindness is everlasting.

haggadah Section: Hallel