Hallel means praise

Songs and Psalms that connect us with all that is beyond us,

Above us, inside of us, Eternal.

We come together to celebrate our freedom

To tell our story and to challenge ourselves

To live the moment of our liberation

To call ourselves to action for all whom our Haggadah would still call slaves.

Hallel is praise for all that we have shared

For all that we are to each other

For this moment and each of you

DIRECTIONS: We read responsively, following each verse all respond , His (or her) kindness and love are forever

Give thanks to God for He is gracious; His kindness and love are forever

Who alone does great wonders; Her kindness and love are forever

Who made the heavens with understanding; His kindness and love are forever

Who stretched out the earth above the waters; Her kindness and love are forever

Who made the great lights; The sun, to rule by day;

The moon and stars to rule by night; His kindness and love are forever

And brought Israel out of Egypt; with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm; Her kindness and love are forever

Who split the Sea of Reeds into sections; and led Israel through it; and led His people through the desert; His kindness and love are forever

Who remembered us in our lowliness; and delivered us from our oppressors; Her kindness and love are forever

For all this, and much more, we give thanks to God; His kindness and love are forever


haggadah Section: Hallel