The following Haggadot and other resource material is available for downloading from the Beurei Hatefila Institute website:

Haggadah of Rav Amrom Gaon-8th Century;

Haggadah K’Minhag Eretz Yisroel-13th Century;

Karaite Haggadah;

Haggadah Eretz Yisraelit-Menachem Kasher;

Haggadah-Yemenite Rite;

Haggadah-Bagdhad Rite;

Haggadah-Roman Rite;

Beurei Hatefila Haggadah-a section by section comparison of several Nusacha’Ot including Rav Amrom Gaon and Nusach Eretz Yisroel.

Other resources:

Kos Chamishi- Menachem Kasher-a discussion of the custom of the Maharal Mi’Prague to drink a fifth cup at the Seder;

Seder Ritual Of Remembrance-An article describing the efforts made in the United States in the 1950’s to incorporate a memorial prayer for Holocaust victims into the Haggadah.

Abe Katz

Founding Director

The Beurei Hatefila Institute

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: The Beurei Hatefila Institute